The rest of the LAMP stack (2)

Category: Creating and using FOSS
Published on Tuesday, 02 June 2015 19:59
Written by Super User
Hits: 6032

The rest of the LAMP stack

WebMaster in a Nutshell
O'Reilly - Safari Books Online - Trial

 Web Servers

Which Light Weight, Open Source Web Server is Right for You? |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Wikipedia
HTTP/2 - Wikipedia
Apache - Wikipedia
Documentation: Apache HTTP Server - The Apache HTTP Server Project
Apache: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition - Free Download eBook - pdf
Apache - IT eBooks search
Apache - TutorGig search results
How to make simple Apache web server / home page ? Tutorial !
Apache - HowtoForge
Nginx - Wikipedia
Nginx - IT eBooks search
Nginx - TutorGig search results
Nginx, Inc.


scripting language interfaces

HTML forms
HTML forms - TutorGig search results HTML Forms and Input
HTML form tutorials and articles from HTMLGoodies Forms : Introduction - HTML Tutorial
HTML5 - Web Forms 2.0 HTML5 - Web Forms 2.0 - cs619 | Learn Web Languages
HTML5 Doctor - web forms 2.0 HTML5 Tutorial - Web form 2.0


CGI - Common Gateway Interface
CGI - TutorGig search results CGI Programming in Perl
CGI Tutorial CGI Tutorials - how to basics
PERL and CGI Tutorial CGI Programming with Perl
Creating and Processing Web Forms with CGI (Tutorial) Python CGI: An Interactive Instruction
The CGI Resource Index The CGI Resource Index - CGI Tutorials
Methods GET and POST in HTML forms - what's the difference? CGI Programming on the World Wide Web
The Home Page Part III: Post vs Get
Sending Data to the Server Apache Tutorial: Dynamic Content with CGI


mod_perl - TutorGig search results Welcome to the mod_perl world
Why mod_perl? The Magic of mod_perl
The mod_perl Developer's Cookbook - online resources Practical mod_perl by Stas Bekman and Eric Cholet
mod_perl: mod_perl 2.0 Documentation Practical mod_perl: PDF Version of the book
How to install and configure ModPerl 2 keyword search: Converting to use the mod_perl API and mod_perl-SpecificModules
Apache::Request - Methods for dealing with client request data Apache::Request -
mod_perl: Apache::Registry - Run unaltered CGI scrips under mod_perl mod_perl: Apache::PerlRun - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl


Mason+Poet - for mod_perl and CGI
Mason+Poet: Home Mason+Poet: Docs
Mason (Perl) Mason - High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason TUTORIAL: Intro to Embedded Perl Using Mason
The Mason Book Using Mason from a Standalone Script
HTML::Mason::Devel - Mason Developer's Manual - HTML::Mason::Request - Mason Request Class
HTML::Mason::Admin - Mason Administrator's Manual - HTML::Mason::Params - Mason configuration parameters -
HTML::Mason::CGIHandler - Use Mason in a CGI environment - Poet - a modern Perl web framework for Mason developers


Fast CGI
Fast CGI - TutorGig search results Perl/CGI::Fast


LWP - TutorGig search results Perl & LWP
LWP HTML::Template


mod_python - TutorGig search results Mod_python Manual


WSGI - Web Server Gateway Interface
Web Python WSGI Tutorial
HOWTO Use Python in the web
Learn about WSGI  


Server Side Includes
Server Side Includes - TutorGig search results SSI - Server Side Includes
Apache Tutorial: Introduction to Server Side Includes Apache - Server Side Includes
Beginner's Guide to SSI (server side includes)  


Database Servers


Adminer - Why is better than phpMyAdmin? Adminer - Database management in a single PHP file


MySQL - TutorGig search results MySQL :: Get Started with MySQL
MySQL Tutorial for Developers MySQL & mSQL
YouTube - PHP & MySQL Web Development Development with MySQL
MySQL Forums MySQL Survival Guide
Welcome to MariaDB! - MariaDB MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual
Oracle who? Fedora & openSUSE will replace MySQL with MariaDB | ZDNet MariaDB - AskMonty KnowledgeBase
MariaDB - IT eBooks search  


PostgreSQL - TutorGig search results PostgreSQL Tutorial
YoLinux Tutorial: The PostgreSQL Database and Linux PostgreSQL Tutorial - The PostgreSQL Development Team
PostgreSQL Guide Free PostgreSQL Ebooks Downloads
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL - IT eBooks search 


SQL - Structured Query Language
SQL - TutorGig search results W3Schools - SQL Tutorial
SQL Tutorial - SQL Query Reference A Gentle Introduction to SQL
w3resource - SQL Tutorial Welcome to!
NewSQL SQL - IT eBooks search


scripting language interfaces

DBI - TutorGig search results Python/SQLAlchemy - TutorGig search results
Perl DBI Programming the Perl DBI
DBI - CPAN Perl's Database Interface
Ruby/DBI Tutorial A Short Guide to DBI
Drivers, Data Sources and Connection - Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 1 DBI Advanced Tutorial 2007
MySQL Perl DBI Tutorial Introduction to retrieving data from your database - Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC Tutorial Part 2
Handling Databases with Perl DBI Perl DBI for MySQL
DBIx::Class - Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper. -