Linux kernel

Category: Creating and using FOSS
Published on Monday, 13 July 2015 20:00
Written by Super User
Hits: 10710


Linux kernel and device drivers


The state of the Linux kernel in 2023
Learn it Faster: The Complete Linux Kernel in a Single Map
What Does It Take to Make a Kernel?
How to Use the Sysctl Command in Linux
Linux kernel
Linux Plumbers Conference - YouTube
Linux Kernel Code of Conduct
LKML.ORG - the Linux Kernel Mailing List Archive
The Linux Kernel Archives
The Linux Kernel documentation
Linux Kernel Concurrency Cheat Sheet
HOWTO do Linux kernel development
A Beginner’s Guide to Linux Kernel Development (LFD103)
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell
Introduction · Linux Inside | Everything about the Linux kernel
How to Install Hardware Drivers on Linux
Rust code in Linux kernel looks more likely as language team lead promises support
Rust-Written Replacement To GNU Coreutils Progressing, Some Binaries Now Faster
Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1
Kerla project develops Linux-compatible kernel in Rust language
KernelCI now testing Linux Rust code
The Linux Kernel: Drivers |
Linux Device Driver Tutorials
Checking the Linux Kernel with Static Analysis Tools
0-Day Test Service |
Writing device drivers in Linux: A brief tutorial
Write a Linux Hardware Device Driver
Linux kernel coding style
Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition
Developing Linux Device Drivers
The Linux driver implementer’s API guide
Virtme: The kernel developers' best friend
Fuzzing the Linux kernel (x86) entry code, Part 1 of 3
Fuzzing the Linux kernel (x86) entry code, Part 2 of 3
Fuzzing the Linux kernel (x86) entry code, Part 3 of 3
syzkaller: fuzzing the kernel
Using syzkaller to detect programming bugs in the Linux kernel
How To Secure the Linux Kernel
Submitting my first patch to the Linux kernel
kpatch - live kernel patching
Nitrokey digital tokens for kernel developers
eBPF - extended Berkeley Packet Filter