
Category: Creating and using FOSS
Published on Saturday, 30 May 2015 23:24
Written by Super User
Hits: 15642


Specialty/hobby Open Source hardware

FEDEVEL Academy - Schematic and PCB design courses
Basic Electronic Components Used in Circuits
Learn to build electronics with Oyvind's Circuit Tips
Podcast: Hardware Engineering with Bruno Haid
Altium Designer
9 Best Free Linux CAD Software
Learn AutoCAD with This Free Course
3 open source alternatives to AutoCAD
Arduino creator explains why open source matters in hardware, too | Ars Technica
Getting Started With Embedded Programming in Linux, the Cheap and Easy Way | Linux.com
Survey shows Linux and FreeRTOS out front in embedded tech
Linux Circle - Creative computing with Linux and Open Source Software, focusing on Raspberry Pi & Arduino technology
Home automation kit includes Arduino, RasPi dev boards|LinuxGizmos.com
6 open source home automation tools
Open Electronics - Open source electronic projects
Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
Liquidware : Electronics
Hackaday.io | The world's largest collaborative hardware development community
Maker Shed
Maker faire
Seeed Studio Bazaar, The IOT Hardware enabler
Leaders in IoT & Embedded Systems Development - SanCloud
Category: Electronics | MAKE
Uber Home Automation w/ Arduino & Pi
empowering the smart home | openHAB
Awaken your home | Home Assistant
Control Raspberry Pi & IOT Devices From Cloud Using Cloud4RPi
Raspberry Pi | Anderson Silva
Jarvis, Please Lock the Front Door
Survey results: Top 10 hacker SBCs| LinuxGizmos.com
 Raspberry Pi stays sky high in 2015 Hacker SBC Survey ·  LinuxGizmos.com
2017 hacker board survey: Raspberry Pi still rules, but x86 SBCs make gains
150 open-spec, community-backed Linux SBCs under $200
Introduction to catalog of 125 Linux hacker boards
Open hardware guru answers: Arduino or Raspberry Pi? | Opensource.com
ExaGear Desktop features and prices - run Intel x86 apps on ARM 
5 open source home automation tools | Opensource.com
11 Excellent Open Source Solutions for Home Automation - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site
Quick-turn baseboard dev tool adds third-party COMs, SBCs
5 Ways to Repurpose an Old PC with Open Source Software
Find the newest tutorials on learn.sparkfun.com
BusyBox: The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
Flipper Zero Multi-tool Device for Geeks
Bruschetta-Board: Multi-protocol Swiss Army knife for hardware hackers
Home - Tinkerforge
Android PC System
SolidRun - Home of the CuBox
STEM Kits & Robotics for Kids | Sphero
Cubieboard | An Open ARM Mini PC
Hackable measurement board runs Linux on an ARM+FPGA SoC|LinuxGizmos.com
Red Pitaya - Open Instruments for Everyone
Red Pitaya: Open instruments for everyone by Red Pitaya - Kickstarter
Kinoma Create | Indiegogo
OLinuXino - Open Source Hardware Boards
ZimaBoard, a new Hackable Open Source Single Board Server
Tiny $1 STEM-oriented hacker board hits Indiegogo
BBC micro:bit
micro:bit - Pimoroni
Ringing in the new year with 136 open-spec Linux SBCs under $200
5 of the Best Raspberry Pi Alternatives in 2019
4 versatile boards for fast, inexpensive IoT development
Inside the Raspberry Pi: The story of the $35 computer that changed the world
Put the internet back under your control with the FreedomBox
FreedomBox Foundation
Nextcloud: The Swiss Army Knife of Remote Working Tools
Have your own Nextcloud server
Nextcloud | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Nextcloud Unveils Hub 6: More than a FOSS Replacement for Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Collabora Productivity now integrated with Nextcloud and ownCloud technologies
Best Online Office Suite | ONLYOFFICE Docs
Integrate Nextcloud with ONLYOFFICE Docs on Your Linux Server
A Detailed Guide on How to Work with Documents in Nextcloud


Raspberry Pi


Raspberry Pi | An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte!
The MagPi Magazine - The official Raspberry Pi magazine
Manuals for Raspberry Pi
Manual override: Raspberry Pi beginners' books|The Register Wiley: Raspberry Pi For Dummies - Sean McManus, Mike Cook
Product: Raspberry Pi Manual Raspberry Pi in easy steps | In Easy Steps
Raspberry Pi User Guide Getting Started with Raspberry Pi - O'Reilly Media (see video)
Learn to code with Scratch with The MagPi's latest e-book - Raspberry Pi Getting started with Raspberry Pi
What is a Raspberry Pi? | Opensource.com Opensource.com - Raspberry Pi search results
Search results - Raspberry Pi 4 blog | LinuxLinks Raspberry Jams - Raspberry Pi Community Events
Raspberry Pi at element14 Raspberry Pi | RS Components
Raspberry Pi Products - Where to Buy Raspberry Pi Love Our Pi - Your Destination for Single Board Computers
Pimoroni - Raspberry Pi, Adafruit, SparkFun from the UK raspberry pi : Micro Center
Raspberry Pi | Tom's Hardware IoT framework appears first on Rasbperry Pi|LinuxGizmos.com
Cayenne: IoT Made Easy for the Raspberry Pi | FOSS Force Getting Started With the Raspberry Pi | FOSS Force
How to set up Raspberry Pi | Linux User Perform a minimal install on your Raspberry PI
Share Your Keyboard and Mouse Between Linux and Raspberry Pi How To Set Up The Raspberry PI 2 Model B « Everyday Linux User
How To Set Up The Raspberry PI Zero « Everyday Linux User Move the Raspberry PI root file system to a USB drive
Programming in the real world with GPIO Zero and Raspberry Pi | Opensource.com CAS Raspberry Pi Educational Manual | Raspberry Pi
Look Ma, no hardware! Coding the Raspberry Pi in a web emulator Code the Sense HAT in Your Browser! | trinket
Raspberry Pi Unveils ‘Code Club World’: A Way for Kids to Learn Code at Home Top 10 Raspberry Pi add-on boards
Raspberry Pi cases round-up: Eight inventive holders in photos | ZDNet Anyone for Pi? Mods and hacks for the Raspberry Pi - TechRepublic
LittleBox DIY Kit: Make Your Own Raspberry Pi-based All-in-One PC Canonical, Collabora, Nextcloud deliver work-from-home solution to Raspberry Pi and enterprise ARM users
Online dev tool adds DIY baseboard for RPi Compute Module ·  LinuxGizmos.com Instructables - Raspberry pi
Projects | Raspberry Pi Projects Elecrow CrowPi2: Neat way to get your boffins-to-be hooked on Linux from an early age and tinkering in no time
The Ubuntu Appliance portfolio My Raspberry Pi retrospective: 6 projects and more | Anderson Silva
Which Raspberry Pi should you choose for your project? Raspberry Pi Customization Service
Kano - Kano Kano Ships Its First 18,000 Learn-To-Code Computer Kits, Fueled By $1.5M Kickstarter | TechCrunch
pi-top Pi-Top review: A Raspberry Pi laptop for tinkering on the go - TechRepublic
Raspberry Pi 400 – PC in a Keyboard in Just $70 Raspberry Pi As Your Next Linux PC - Datamation
Want a Raspberry Pi-powered PC? This $50 case turns the Pi into a desktop No coding required: Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi
How to Start using and developing with Raspberry PI Steps to make a Raspberry Pi Supercomputer
Raspberry Pi projects: Insanely innovative, incredibly cool creations Raspberry Pi Kit |Buy Raspberry Pi Kits - Makershed.com
Raspberry Pi Archives | Make Tech Easier Raspberry Pi Firewall: How to Install and Manage it by Using UFW
5 of the Best Linux Distros for Raspberry Pi - Make Tech Easier 7 Linux Distros You Can Run on the Raspberry Pi 2
Top 20 Best Raspberry Pi OS Available To Use in 2022 The 7 Best Lightweight Operating Systems for Raspberry Pi
17 Best Operating Systems (OS) for Raspberry Pi 4, 3 4 of the Best Lightweight Operating Systems for Raspberry Pi
9 Raspberry Pi Operating Systems That Aren't Linux A Look at HASSbian: Raspberry Pi for Home Automation
10 Raspberry Pi Disk Images You Can Install This Weekend Node.js and Raspberry Pi
Coder for Raspberry Pi Lakka: Turns Your Raspberry Pi Into Gaming Console
Raspberry Jams - Raspberry Pi Community Events Python: Basic Electronics Control with the Raspberry Pi
10 Best Self-Hosted Apps for Your Raspberry Pi awesome-selfhosted: list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
How to Program an Arduino with a Raspberry Pi Using a Raspberry Pi as a Bluetooth speaker with PipeWire
Own your cloud with NextcloudPi on the Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi 5 Official M.2 HAT Now Available for NVMe Drives and AI Accelerators



Manuals for Arduino
books about arduino | PDF Owner Manuals and User Guides
Arduino Playground - ManualsAndCurriculum
Arduino - Free Download eBook - pdf
Arduino Manual
Arduino Manual - Download
Arduino Starter Kit Manual pdf free ebook download
Arduino for Everybody
The Arduino Handbook – Learn Microcontrollers for Embedded Systems
Arduino Shields Manual PDF Book ( 2.44 MB ) | Pdf-World
What is an Arduino? | Opensource.com
Arduino - Wikipedia
Book:Arduino - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Making of Arduino - IEEE Spectrum
Video - Massimo Banzi: How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination
86Duino is an open-source embedded platform based on Vortex86EX SoC
Arduino Development Environment
Arduino Playground
Arduino tutorials - YouTube
Excellent Free Tutorials to Learn Arduino
Arduino hacks
Arduino Create - Online Development Platform
How to Install Arduino Software (IDE) on Linux
Arduino - search results | Opensource.com
Instructables - Arduino
Create Your Own Electronics With Arduino - Full Course
Tinker with the Arduino Starter Pack | opensource.com
How to build custom IoT hardware with Arduino
Arduino Shield List
SparkFun Inventor's Kit - V3.2 - KIT-12060 - SparkFun Electronics
Weekend Project: Learning Ins and Outs of Arduino
Freeduino PCB Design Files
Welcome - Fritzing
Arduino & Microcontrollers - Pimoroni
Arduino - Walmart



BeagleBoard.org | Open Hardware Physical Computing on ARM and Linux
BeagleBoard.org - resources
BeagleBoard.org - Software Support
BeagleBoard.org - Hardware Support
My Adventure in Robotics: I just got my BeagleBone Black, now what?
BeagleBone Essentials - Free Download eBook - pdf



BUSYBOX Google search | Busybox
How to use BusyBox on Linux BusyBox Videos
BusyBox - The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux BusyBox-Commands - BoxMatrix
Linux Cheat Sheets | LinuxTeck --> can use with TLDR Pages