Business Cases For Free/Open Source Software

Category: Understanding FOSS
Published on Monday, 16 February 2015 02:53
Written by Super User
Hits: 2224

Business Cases for Free/Open Source Software

Open source stack solid foundation for All Homes For Oxfam volunteer-driven free software makes sense
Open source Campcaster empowers independent radio broadcasters Why Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS, FOSS, or FLOSS)? Look at the Numbers!
Microsoft's high prices drive FSW to Linux, open source Help for Library Computers
Linux, open source software pay off for PayPal Linux to help the Library of Congress save American history
Stretching the Education Dollar With Linux IT security firm trusts open source inside and out
Car dealership uses Asterisk VoIP to stay on "cutting edge" The (awesome) economics of open source
City Net Goes Open Source Schools Save Big with Open Source
How PDAs Are Saving Lives in Africa The Canadian Labour Congress Switches to OpenOffice
How open source saved a school district's IT department PayPal's Matthew Mengerink: Open Source Essential to Success
LTSP saves old hardware in Brazilian doctor's office Linux helps to squeeze the last drop out of oilfields
World's most remote island gets advanced medical support A California city rebuilds network using all open source software
Hospital software vendor McKesson uses Linux to heal IT budgets Mid-Market Heroes: Linux and Outsourcing Help Virgin America Soar
Open Source Software for Business: 12 Leading Apps Paylocity saves money developing on Linux
Athens schools promote 'open source' computing Educating Tux: case studies of Linux deployments in high schools around the world
Navy to focus only on open systems MAMPU migrates to and ODF to increase freedom of choice and interoperability
Wall Street still likes Linux, but for new reasons School districts serve up lessons in Linux
Ubuntu breathes new life into school's abandoned hardware Open source key to Al Jazeera's Web 2.0 success
GSA makes the case for open source Running a business on desktop Linux
The Big Board Goes Linux NPR station WBUR Boston adds support for free audio standard
Suncorp envisages Linux, ODF for 20,000 desktops Wall Street becoming Linux stronghold
Insurance company bets health on open source Move Your Business from Windows to Linux
Travelocity's parent company hails Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 A Day Without Open Source
Put The Power of Linux Into Your Business Putting Together A Linux Office
Six Reasons Why Linux Is Right for Small Business Free Software is good for business
Can Ubuntu Linux Really Run My Small Business? OPEN SOURCE GOD: 480+ Open Source Applications
Open Source for Business: Now More Than Ever, Part 1 | Software | LinuxInsider Open Source for Business: Now More Than Ever, Part 2
10 reasons why open source makes sense on smart phones 50 Places Linux is Running That You Might Not Expect
Open Source Software Helped Obama Win the 2012 Election Campaign Who is Using OpenStack? - Datamation
Open Source Power for Small Business in 2014 4 reasons companies say yes to open source - Network World
8 advantages of using open source in the enterprise | The Enterprisers Project The Small Biz Guide to Understanding Linux & Open Source
5 Top Linux Computer Vendors for Small Business It takes an open-source village to make commercial software | ZDNet
Open Source Replacements for Popular Small Business Software - Datamation  49 Open Source Office Tools - Datamation
Economic Impact of Open Source on Small Business - O'Reilly Media  10 best uses for open source software in the business world - TechRepublic
Anniversary of First Linux Kernel Release: A Look at Collaborative Value | | The source for Linux information The 7 Best Linux Distros for Business
The Best Linux Desktop for Work Fork YOU! Sure, take the code. Then what? • The Register 
Radio Free Linux  What we can learn from ownCloud's collapse
Linux Key to IT Education and Development in Africa Colliders, containers, dark matter: The CERN atom smasher's careful cloud revolution
Why Linux is better than Windows or macOS for security 5 reasons why you should develop a Linux container strategy
How businesses can bolster their cybersecurity defenses with open source The Open Source Consumption Manifesto